Monday, August 13, 2007

The Nickname Factor

More than once I've banged my head against the wall looking for an elusive family member when they've been right under my nose all along ---under a nickname. For example, the Nancy I searched high and low for in the 1880 census was recorded right after her brother Donald as "Annie" and since they were about the same age and the only other household member was his mother, I had assumed for years she was his wife.
Another Annie was found after I finally realized she was Mary Ann.She and her "sister " were actually one and the same person !
"Minnie "was a popular nickname for Mary Jane.
"Donald" and "Daniel" were interchangeable, often the same person.
"Flora" often became "Sophronia"
There were numerous , and sometimes improbable sounding nicknames used in the 1800's , so it's a subject worth boning up on if you're up against the brick wall in your family research.


Trudy said...

ooh They're sneaky !!

Char said...

Who woulda thought Charlaine would end up being Weenie?? Haha.

At least they don't call me that anymore!! lol.

Hugs to you, can't wait to see you!!