Monday, July 23, 2007

Reams and Streams of Relatives

I now have over 13,000 individuals on my genealogy database,and 2641 surnames that I've researched. Most of these are connected to my family by blood or marriage. The majority of them are descendants of immigrants from the United Kingdom--England , Scotland and Ireland, although there are some from Scandanavia , Germany and other locations in Europe. They came to Canada and the U S from the early 1700's , and throughout the 1800's and 1900's.
These are the brave people who left their homes and families, most of the time forever, boarded crowded and sometimes rickety ships succeptable to various diseases, and sailed into the unknown.
I am so grateful that my ancestors took the leap of faith to come to the New World and lay the groudwork for the beautful countries that we have been priviledged to be born in.
Here's to the McLachlins , the Gowanlocks, the McCallums and Pattersons, Scots who settled in Ekfrid, Middlesex Ontario. To the Kilmers and Walters and Fells, Germans who first immigrated to New York State and then to Upper Canada in the 1780's. Many from these families went on to Western Canada, some into Michigan and Ohio and other parts of the U S.
Most of them were people of deep faith in God , and some were ministers of the Gospel and missionaries to far away locations such as Africa. Thanks to you all for the physical and spiritual heritage you have passed on to us !

1 comment:

Trudy said...

That's a beautiful tribute to our ancestors. I'm sure they would all be honored by your sentiments. Wonderful blog.