Saturday, October 20, 2007

German Ancestors from Eastern Europe

I have known many people, who have grandparents parents and great-grandparents who emmigrated to North America from Eastern Europe in the late 1800's and early 1900's , and as one 3rd cousin put it , "Seem to have forgotten where they came from when the moment they got off the ship". Many of these immigrants remained so closed mouthed about their origins that it gave way to the notion that there must have been something so terrible about their pasts that word could not be uttered about it. As this was the case with one of my sets of great -grandparents , it has been an absolute miracle that I have been able to trace my maternal family line as far back as 1733 !
Just by "googling" one particular surname led me to a fellow who I discover later to be a 6th cousin. This gentleman has actually travelled back to what is now part of the Ukraine at least half a dozen times, and has obtained the birth, death and marriage records for the ENTIRE VILLAGE where my grandmother was born !
These records span over 100 years !
I recommend to anyone searching for ancestors from the Austrio-Hungarian Empire to check out the Eastern European Genealogical Society on the web if they have the same kind of challenges that I had in this area of family research.

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